For rent
access_time 3 months ago


ViPod Residences (6 Kia Peng), KLCC, Kuala Lumpur


For rent
access_time 3 months ago


ViPod Residences (6 Kia Peng), KLCC, Kuala Lumpur


For rent
access_time 3 months ago



Property type

2 BR


1 B



700 sqft

Built-up area


RM 4/sqft

Built-up price


Fully Furnished
Listing ID:
Built-up price:
RM 4/sqft
Listing type:
For rental
700 sqft


About ViPod Residences @ KLCC
ViPod Residences @ KLCC is located along Jalan Kia Peng, Off Jalan Raja Chulan in KLCC, Kuala Lumpur. This is a freehold 39-storey condominium development housing a total of 418 units. Condominium units have 1 to 2 bedrooms and built-up sizes of 635 to 1,350 sq ft.
Residents have access to facilities such as sky spa, sky gymnasium, sky pool, sky deck, sky bar, concierge, business lounge & bar, serviced offices, convenience store and more. This property is also safeguarded by 24-hour security services.
This high-rise block is neighbouring Menara Pinang and Wisma UOA I & II. It also within walking distance to KLCC Park, Suria KLCC, Pavilion, Avenue K and shopping complexes in Bukit Bintang area. Other amenities within easy reach include restaurants, eateries, hotels, shop-offices, banks and clinics. Lai Meng Primary School, Convent Bukit Nanas Secondary School and St John's Primary School are nearby. Tung Shin Hospital and Prince Court Medical Centre are a short drive away.
Jalan Kia Peng is connected to Jalan Raja Chulan with easy accessibility to Jalan Pinang, Jalan Tun Razak and Ampang-Kuala Lumpur Elevated Highway (AKLEH). Public transportation in the area includes buses and taxis. It is within walking distance to Raja Chulan Monorail station.
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