In Depth

The Malaysian housing industry is efficient and competitive — the government should just focus on public housing

We provided our data-based analysis that contradicts the prevailing myth that housing is generally unaffordable in Malaysia. At the prevailing median household income of RM5,209 a month, and allowing 50% of disposable income (of RM4,543 a month) to be spent on fixed commitments (home mortgages and instalments on car loans), it translates into a median affordable house price of RM350,000, higher than the RM330,000 median house price for all of Malaysia in 2022, according to the National Property Information Centre (Napic)

The REAL deal: Towards testing all buildings for quality

More and more developers are assessing the quality of their newly completed buildings on a voluntary basis. This is done via Qlassic, the quality assessment system for building construction works developed by the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB).

Budget 2024: HBA’s response

The National House Buyers Association (HBA) acknowledges the challenges faced by our Prime Minister and Finance Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in tabling Budget 2024 from the MADANI Government last Friday (Oct 13) amidst the rising cost of living and various global economic headwinds.

Akta Pembaharuan Bandar bertentangan dengan perlembagaan

“Nga: Akta Pembaharuan Bandar akan dibentang tahun depan,” terpapar di laporan utama berita. Laporan tersebut menyebut Menteri Pembangunan Kerajaan Tempatan (KPKT) Nga Kor Ming, menekankan akan kepentingan Akta ini dalam mempastikan pembaharuan bandar yang sistematik, teratur dan efisien demi meningkatkan ekonomi negara.

The REAL deal: Don’t bark up the wrong tree

It’s that time of the year again. Like clockwork, industry players are parading their respective wish lists in the run-up to the tabling of Budget 2024 later this week.

The REAL deal: Total rethink on PR1MA needed

In May this year, Local Government Development (KPKT) Minister Nga Kor Ming assured Malaysians there would be no more PR1MA Corporation Malaysia (PR1MA) sick projects come 2024. This is good news for affected buyers who are still waiting for their dream homes.