MIEA to push for separate Estate Agents Board

PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA) in its recent AGM has decided, despite opposition from certain parties, that the profession needs an Estate Agents Board which is separate from the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers (BOVAEP).


Estate agents up in arms against illegal brokering by proptech companies

  PETALING JAYA (March 28): The Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA) wants the Board of Valuers, Appraisers, Estate Agents and Property Managers (BOVAEP) and the Ministry of Finance to take action against those who are circumventing the law by carrying out real estate practices illegally through property technology (proptech).



有期地契房产一般在租期过了30年之后,资产增值幅度就会开始放缓,这也意味着业主该考虑申请延长租期了。 Messrs Amir Toh Francis & Partners 事务律师Ivan Chan表示,申请延长有期地契租期没有所谓的最佳时机,但业主必须谨记的是,切勿等到租期过期后才申请延长,因为到时候的手续将更为繁琐。 他在早前的Maspex 2018房产展销会上的专题演讲中说:“延长有期地契租期的手续应该在到期前申请,若是已经过期,那么就得重新申请地契转让,这么做的话将涉及更昂贵的费用,这笔费用甚至可能就像是在买地。” 如果有期地契租约已经到期,而且业主没有展开任何行动,相关物业的产权将自动归州政府所有,并且可以开放让其他人申请拥有。 他指出,业主提出延长申请不一定会被批准,即便获得批准,延长期限或许也会比原来的租约期限来得短。 他续称,有期地契房产的土地拥有权归州政府所有,且各州对有期地契的租期延长申请拥有不同的审核标准与程序,涉及的费用也各异。 如果业主的申请获得批准,也必须在限期内缴交更新租期的费用,否则在逾期后,业主必须重新申请。 一般上,州政府拒绝申请的理由,大多是相关土地将被征作公共设施或大型基建项目的发展用地,或是作为国家紧急计划用途。 英文版原文已于2018年10月5日刊登于EdgeProp.


'Property market has seen the worst'

PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian property market has bottomed and more property purchasers are expected to return to the market in the coming months, according to Ahmad Zamzuri Kamarudin, the organising chairman of the Klang Valley edition of the Malaysia Secondary & Primary Property Exhibition 2018 (MASPEX2018 KL) organised by the Malaysian Institute of Estate Agents (MIEA).