I’ll have a garden, on the rocks!

Have you ever been drawn to a Chinese brush painting of majestic mountains, rocks and riv­ers? Somehow, if you allow yourself to drink it in, the ethereal landscape has the power to transport you to a place of soothing serenity, giving you a respite from your quotidian world.



连续开了好几晚的冷气后,你会不会因为高涨的电费,而烦恼着是否要在这个炎热的天气继续开冷气睡觉呢? 除了伤害荷包,常常开冷气也会对大自然环境带来不良影响,而且,长期呆在冷气房内也会有损健康。 不过,在常年如夏的马来西亚,如果不靠冷气机降低室内温度,那还有什么方法? 对此,EdgeProp.


7 easy ways to cool down

Have you ever struggled to decide whether to switch on the air-conditioner in your room, especially after realising that you have been running it continuously over the past few days? While having the air-conditioning switched on constantly will mean high electricity bills, not to mention the impact it has on the environment, staying in an air-conditioned room for long hours can also affect your health due to poor natural air-ventilation.