For rent
access_time 5 months ago

Rent Main Place Subang Jaya near LRT

Main Place Residence, USJ, Selangor


For rent
access_time 5 months ago

Rent Main Place Subang Jaya near LRT

Main Place Residence, USJ, Selangor


For rent
access_time 5 months ago



Property type

3 BR


2 B


1 Car Park

Car Parks


1,272 sqft

Built-up area


RM 1/sqft

Built-up price


Fully Furnished
Listing ID:
Built-up price:
RM 1/sqft
Listing type:
For rental
1,272 sqft


Call Sebastian REN 07000 at +60182003388 to consider renting an nicely Renovated large 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms fully and tastefully furnished unit in Main Place Residence, the most sought after serviced residence with a neighborhood mall below it in the podium block.

Main Place is located at Jalan USJ 21/10, Subang Jaya well linked by LDP, ELITE , KESAS, NPE, and Federal Highway. It is within 200 meters covered walkway to USJ 21 LRT station. Hence, working in KL city and staying in Main Place is not a problem at all with this good network of infrastructure or any workplace connected via LRT.

Students studying in Sunway International School, Sunway University, Sunway Monash University & Segi College can take LRT from USJ 21 Station to USJ 7 Station to switch to BRT Station at both South Quay Station and Monash Uni Station.

Main Place Mall offers great convenience to the residents who can easily patronize their food and beverage outlets such as McDonald's, Nandos, Starbucks, Shihlin Taiwan Street Snacks, Sushi Zanmai, Absolute Thai, Aroi Thai, BarBQ Plaza, Fish & Co, Komugi Cafe, Nam Heong, Nyonya Cendol, Pao Xiang Bah Kut Teh, Tealive, Texas Chicken, Tonkatsu by Ma Mais...
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