Fridge, energy saving

Energy saving is now a hot topic for good reason: it doesn’t just help save the environment, but your wallet too. Energy saving at home does not require heavy investment. Simple things can make an impact on your energy consumption. 

Here are seven energy-saving tips from Greenbuildingindex Sdn Bhd, the administrative arm of the Green Building Index:

1. Avoid energy phantoms 
Home electronics such as television, desktop computers and microwaves in standby mode use energy. Standby power accounts for up to 10% of total electricity consumption. Switch off power sockets of appliances that are not in use.

2. Keep your freezer near-full. Empty freezers use more energy than a full one
To further reduce energy usage, fill up your freezer with ice. However, overcrowding your refrigerator will increase energy consumption as it limits air circulation. 

3. Allow hot food to cool before placing in the refrigerator
The heat will raise the temperature inside the refrigerator and make it work harder. 

4. Switch off lights in areas where lighting is not necessary
But don’t turn them on and off if you’re going to be stepping back into the room shortly. On/off cycles can shorten a bulb’s lifespan.

5. Unplug your handphone and tablet when the batteries are fully charged 
Many chargers draw power continuously, even when they are not in charging mode. It’s the same with light dimmers.

6. Operate your washing machine at full load
A partial load wash consumes more energy per kg per wash.

7. If possible, use the sun to dry clothes instead of the dryer
We all know how hot Malaysia is and how quickly the clothes dry.


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