JLL: Asian investors of hotel properties continue shopping
PETALING JAYA (Feb 16): Asian investors of hotel properties will continue to feature in 2017, with groups from Singapore at the fore, according to global real estate firm JLL.
PETALING JAYA (Feb 16): Asian investors of hotel properties will continue to feature in 2017, with groups from Singapore at the fore, according to global real estate firm JLL.
SINGAPORE (Feb 7): Leasing your apartment or room out on a short-term basis through homestay networking services such as Airbnb may very soon be ruled as illegal under Singapore law.
EVER since the emergence of home-sharing start-ups, many property owners have been getting in on the home-sharing economy by converting their homes, be they houses or apartments, into short-term rental stays.
When Spotify emerged in 2006, music distribution businesses were sorely affected — after all, who would buy digital music for RM2 apiece when you could get it for free on Spotify? Then came Airbnb, which put a dent in the global hotel industry because now every home can double up as a hotel too.
Space, and how people interact with it, is ever evolving.
BRAN, ROMANIA (Oct 31): Tonight, armed with courage and hopefully garlic, two horror fans dying for a thrill will become the first guests in almost 70 years to spend a night at Dracula's castle in Transylvania on Halloween.
PETALING JAYA (Oct 22): The first phase of Thriven Global Bhd’s Lumi Tropicana has achieved a take-up rate of 75% since its launch on Oct 15.
SINGAPORE (Oct 14): Ascott Residence Trust (ART) could benefit from parent CapitaLand’s recent tie-up with Tujia, dubbed China’s answer to Airbnb, says UOB Kay Hian lead analyst Derek Chang in a Oct 14 report which has a “buy’ on ART with S$1.
Airbnb和HomeAway等房屋共享平台已越来越普及,因为房地产业主可通过这种短租模式来赚取收入。 不过,随着房屋共享开始成为全球的新常态,这股趋势也带来了许多有关安全和法律的忧虑。 最大的争议是房屋共享不必如同旅店般遵守法律规范,也无需支付额外的成本,因此享有更佳的定价优势,但中小型酒店却也因此难以与房屋共享平台竞争。 大马中小型酒店公会(MyBHA)主席PK Leong向TheEdgeProperty.
HOME sharing, such as through Airbnb and HomeAway, is gaining popularity as an avenue of income for property owners, especially those looking to gain some returns on their investments but do not want to lease their property for the long term.