Pinjaman rumah yang sesuai dengan bajet anda

AFFIN Home Step Fast/i menawarkan peluang kepada peminjam untuk memiliki harta tanah dan memperkuatkan kewangan isi rumah pada masa yang sama, membenarkan komitmen pembayaran yang lebih rendah dalam lima tahun pertama.


Home loan that fits your pocket

The AFFIN Home Step Fast/i, which offers borrowers the opportunity to own properties and build up their household finances at the same time, allows for a lower repayment commitment in the first five years.


Plaintiff has no legal standing to sue over HSR termination, says govt

In his affidavit filed on behalf of the defendants (the government), solicitor general Datuk Ahmad Terrirudin Mohd Salleh said that the subject matter of the lawsuit was related to the Cabinet’s decision on Dec 12, 2020, a public policy decision which was based on bilateral negotiations and research on cost and economic benefits for the country.