重点报道:巴生房产需求稳健 城镇计划受青睐

说到巴生,许多人必定联想到让人垂涎三尺的美食,如热腾腾的肉骨茶、脆香印度煎饼、独具风味的椰浆饭与香浓咖啡,当然还有摇摇冰与炸鸡。 这些美食也成了巴生的最大卖点,每逢周末或假日,不少吉隆坡或八打灵再也的人们都会驱车前来,享受美食休闲一日游。 不过,这些美食卖点却不足以吸引购屋者前来这个位于吉隆坡西南的城市定居,PA International 计划行销与研究主管Evelyn Khoo认为,基础设施发展已臻成熟的巴生,虽然不乏商业活动且在经济上自供自足,惟休闲娱乐活动不足,对于已经习惯于五光十色的吉隆坡或八打灵再也的居民来说,实在欠缺吸引力。 即便人们普遍认为巴生是个颇闷的城市,但是去年的销售数据却让人大跌眼镜,向来不在热门地点榜单上的巴生,去年共录得3,666宗住宅房产销售,高于其他热门搜索地区如吉隆坡的蕉赖(308宗)、梳邦(508宗)以及蒲种(1,855宗)。 在去年成交的住宅房产中,巴生最受欢迎的房屋类型为排屋,去年销售达2,567间或占70.


From neglected plot to land of harvest

A 16,000-sq ft plot of land which has been left abandoned for some time at the end of Lorong Burhanuddin Helmi 11, Taman Tun Dr Ismail (TTDI) is flourishing with all sorts of vegetables, thanks to a group of volunteers who are passionate about sustainable urban farming.


The hidden value in Klang

From mouth-watering bak kut teh (herbal pork soup), crispy and flaky layered roti canai, the flavourful nasi lemak and kopi-kaw to refreshing yoyo ice (ice-blended fruit juice), as well as delicious layer cakes, Klang in Selangor is a food haven and is one of the most popular day-trip destinations for foodies from Kuala Lumpur (KL) and Petaling Jaya (PJ).