Editor's Pick

EcoWorld Development is on a strong footing

In Malaysia, the property development sector is among the more high-profiled casualties. In fact, it was like a double blow as the property market had been generally on the decline when the pandemic hit.

So when EcoWorld announced last week it had raked in RM1.32 billion in sales in 2Q2021 ended April, the market sat up.

JLL: Lack of technology and data a barrier to real estate sustainability

“Corporate occupiers will increasingly de­mand real estate solutions that complement their sustainability agendas. This will lead inves­tors to prioritise green investments, propelling the real estate industry transformation towards future-ready green buildings,” said JLL APAC CEO Anthony Couse.

I’ll have a garden, on the rocks!

Malaysian award-winning landscape architect and garden designer Inch Lim designed this show garden named "On the Rocks" for the 2021 China Flower Expo. The garden was designed and coordinated by Lim
virtually due to the current Covid-19 travel restrictions.