How not to destroy the value of a property

The Covid-19 pandemic has caught everyone off guard and while we lament the changes that it has brought to our lives, it has also on the other hand, given us new options in the way we choose to work and live.


AGM minutes can tell a prospective buyer a lot about a stratified property

PETALING JAYA (July 9): Looking to buy into a stratified property on the secondary market? Besides the usual questions such as the cost of maintenance and facilities, Chur Associates founder and managing partner Chris Tan added another crucial aspect that could help a prospective buyer decide whether the property is a good investment -- the project's Annual General Meeting (AGM) minutes.



问:如果业主不满意建筑物的施工品质,管理机构(Management Corporation)可以向哪一个机构投诉? 如果是分层房产的公共财产,管理机构可以向分层管理仲裁庭投诉。管理机构也可以将有关投诉带到地方政府或民事法庭。切记要准备好充分的证明文件和证据。   问:我们的公寓才建好五年,油漆就已经开始剥落,这算是施工拙劣吗?为什么会发生这样的情况,我们能够怎样防止情况发生? 一个涂抹在没有裂缝和渗水墙面上的优质外墙涂料,在五年后的情况应该还是尚好的。 在五年内发生油漆剥落的情况,可能是因为当初在油漆前没有对墙壁表面做好准备功夫,因此导致如今出现油漆粘合力消失的问题。 导致油漆过早损坏的常见因素,也包括油漆当中有掺杂了其他填料,还有墙面出现渗水、霉菌、藻类、裂痕和空洞等问题。而墙面褪色和出现风化现象,就是油漆过早损坏的的预兆。   Anthony Lee是Architect Centre培训员兼顾问、2019年EdgeProp大马最佳产业管理大奖评委(Best Managed Property Awards)与2019年EdgeProp.