PKFZ: Opportunities to be discovered

Taking the hot seat to helm the Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) in mid-May this year, Datuk Lawrence Low has no time for celebrations as his appointment came in the midst of a pandemic that has yet to subside — a time where businesses are still trying to find their footing in the new normal.


PLUS urges highway users to follow safety SOPs at R&R, toll plazas as Covid-19 cases rise

KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 3): PLUS Malaysia Bhd has reminded highway users to strictly follow the standard operating procedures (SOPs) set by the National Security Council (NSC) and the Ministry of Health (MoH) of wearing face masks in public and adhering to one-meter physical distancing when congregating at Rest and Service Areas (R&R), lay-bys as well as interacting with PLUS customer service assistants (CSAs) on toll lanes.



  新冠肺炎诱发的行动管制导致马来西亚经济发展一度停摆,不过,一些商家仍对国家经济前景保持乐观向好的看法。 根据KGV International Property Consultants (M) Sdn Bhd的一份市场研究报告,许多受访者相信国家经济将在未来的24个月内回稳。 该份名为《工业产业投资者在行动管制令后的行为》的报告在今年六月走访了200位个人和企业受访者,当中,82%相信经济环境将于未来六个月至两年内复苏。 KGV International Property Consultants 执行董事Samuel Tan说:“很意外地,大部分受访者对经济复苏相当乐观和有信心,不过,尽管超过80%的人对未来感到正面,但仅有50%的受访者准备在未来两年内添置新厂房,显示出大体经济情况确实影响了投资者的投资能力。” 打算在未来购买厂房的受访者中,仅有14%表示会立即启用新厂房,至于大部分的受访者则表示会用于出租、未来使用或者看准未来的增值潜能。 另一有趣的发现是,65%受访者预料厂房售价会下滑10%至30%,仅有14%认为会继续升值,其余则不确定走向,以及认为价格将持稳。 事实上,大部分(79.


New norm in workplace putting pressure on office rentals growth

  PETALING JAYA (July 27): Despite office rents generally remaining stable, the resizing measures taken by some companies due to Covid-19 pandemic are likely to result in downward pressure on rentals and occupancy rates in the short-term, said Nawawi Tie Leung Property Consultants.