ECRL subcontract awards expected in 2021, says Affin Hwang Capital

KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 26): Affin Hwang Investment Bank has maintained its “Overweight” call on the construction sector and said it expects tenders for the East Coast Rail Link (ECRL) to be called starting in 4Q19 for local subcontractors to undertake 40% of the civil works (excluding tunnel works).


重点报道:丹斯里Jeffrey Cheah荣膺“2019年马来西亚永续发展领袖楷模奖”

  Sunway Group创办人丹斯里Jeffrey Cheah在4月21日举办的2019年EdgeProp马来西亚优质产业管理大奖(EdgeProp Malaysia’s Best Managed Property Awards 2019)颁奖典礼上,荣膺“2019年马来西亚永续发展领袖楷模奖”(Malaysia’s Exemplary Leader of Sustainable Development 2019)。 该奖项是编辑评选大奖(Editor’s Choice Award)的其中一个奖项,也是当晚唯一的个人奖项。 Jeffrey是Sunway Group的创办人兼主席,该集团旗下业务涉及12个领域,业务足迹遍布全球50 个地点。纵横商场40年的Jeffrey,如今已是一名国际开发永续项目的楷模。 虽然他未能出席当晚的颁奖典礼,但他已事先预录了得奖感言的短片。该奖项在当晚由Sunway Bhd 房屋部董事经理Sarena Cheah,从房屋和地方政府部长Zuraida Kamaruddin手中领取。 他在短片中表示:”我认为这个奖项并不是个人的成就,因为这是整个Sunway Group和股东共同的努力。永续发展不再是一种选项,而是一种必要。而且,我们不能只依赖政府来推行永续发展,而是需要各界一同努力实现的目标。“ EdgeProp马来西亚优质产业管理大奖在今年4月21日第三度举行。该年度奖项在2017年推出,为马来西亚和亚洲区域唯一产业管理相关的奖项。 除了得到房屋和地方政府部的支持与认可,该奖项也获房地产发展商协会(REHDA)、马来西亚产业和设备管理人协会(MIPFM)、马来西亚建筑管理协会(BMAM)、马来西亚产托管理人协会(MRMA)、Architect Centre Sdn Bhd、马来西亚园景建筑师机构(ILAM)和新加坡产业和设施管理人协会(APFM)的支持。 Zuraida在当晚致词时表示:“产业不是只有架构和门面设计,还有未来的维护和保养,好让建筑物可以经得起时间的考验和维持良好的状况。随着高楼住宅生活越来越普遍,发展商必须要注重建筑物架构以外项目,以及考量建筑物的宜居和舒适程度。” 此外,EdgeProp.


Inspired by a humble plant

  EdgeProp-ILAM Malaysia’s Sustainable Landscape Award 2019 (Gold): Lepironia Garden  Lepironia Garden sounds like a mythical place in a fairy tale.


People, planet and profit

  EdgeProp Malaysia’s Responsible Developer: Building Sustainable Development Award 2019: Sunway Property A profitable property development might not be sustainable, but a sustainable development will have the capability to bring profit to the developer and create value for all stakeholders.


Committed to creating a ‘lovable’ township

EdgeProp Malaysia’s Responsible Developer: Building Sustainable Development Award 2019: Perdana ParkCity For Perdana ParkCity Sdn Bhd, the master developer of Desa ParkCity and a subsidiary of Samling Strategic Group, building a sustainable township is to create a “lovable” township with the human touch.


Carving an oasis out of rocks

EdgeProp-ILAM Malaysia’s Sustainable Landscape Award 2019: The Mansions @ ParkCity Heights (Gold) It is hard to imagine that what was once ugly, rocky barren land can be transformed into one of the most expensive and exclusive residential precincts in the township of Desa ParkCity in Kepong, Kuala Lumpur.


Harnessing the power of dreams

  Editor’s Choice Award 2019 Exemplary Real Estate Contribution to the Nation : Encore Melaka Many called him crazy when he was building the first corporate towers in Melaka more than a decade ago, doubting the need for such a development in the state.