重点报道:商场的CMCO 2.0生存秘笈

节节上升的新冠肺炎确诊人数导致政府被迫二次执行有条件行动管制令(简称CMCO)。虽然这并非商场的过错,但一浪接一浪的坏消息仍让城内各大商场蒙受每日访客人数剧减的打击。 针对第二次CMCO的影响,马来西亚购物广场协会(PPK)主席丹斯里Teo Chiang Kok告诉EdgeProp.


PPKM: Up to individual malls to give free rental or rebates

PETALING JAYA (March 23): While the Malaysia Shopping Malls Association (PPKM) applauds Sunway Mall’s proactive move to grant free rent to its tenants from 18 to 31 March, 2020, PPKM reiterates that such decisions are entirely within the mall’s individual prerogative and circumstances, and does not represent the whole shopping mall industry.


Different maintenance rates allowed for MC, so why not JMB, says BMAM and PPK

PETALING JAYA (Oct 24): The Court of Appeal’s ruling to disallow Joint Management Bodies (JMBs) to charge different rates of service fees for different components within mixed-use developments is based on a strict interpretation of the Strata Management Act 2013 (SMA) and the Strata Management (Maintenance and Management) Regulations 2015, said Building Management Association of Malaysia (BMAM) and the Malaysia Shopping Malls Association (PPK).