BMSPA 2021: S11 House is the first individual winner

PETALING JAYA (April 4): The S11 House (pictured) built and lived in by award-winning architect and past president of the Malaysian Institute of Architects (PAM), Dr Tan Loke Mun has been recognised as a sterling example of a landed home built with holistic sustainable attributes at EdgeProp Malaysia’s Best Managed and Sustainable Property Awards 2021 (BMSPA 2021) tonight.


重点报道:ParkCity Group谨遵承诺 永续发展

ParkCity Group总执行长Datuk Joseph Lau曾是IKEA在大马和曼谷扩大零售网络的功臣。现在,他是ParkCity旗下主要城镇发展项目——位于巴生谷、占地473英亩的Desa ParkCity的重要推手。 ParkCity Group是砂拉越Samling Group旗下的子公司。2019年,ParkCity Group凭借其在打造永续发展项目方面的愿景、承诺和努力,勇夺“EdgeProp大马负责任发展商:打造永续发展奖项”。 今年,该公司的Desa ParkCity项目也在EdgeProp Malaysia 大马优质管理及永续产业大奖(Edgeprop Malaysia’s Best Managed and Sustainable Property Awards 2020 )中夺得几项大奖。The Central Park 获得10年或以上特别产业项目金奖,而Plaza Arkadia则拿下10年以下综合发展类别的金奖。 Lau于11月16日接受由EdgeProp.


A man of his word

ParkCity Group CEO Datuk Joseph Lau used to pen the forewords of the annual IKEA catalogues for years.


BMSPA 2021 back with a new award category!

Look around you:  Which buildings are sustainable and managed with excellence? Why is it crucial for Malaysian real estate to be built and managed for sustainability? Read also First-of-its-kind awards What is the cost to owning, living or working in a property that is not built and managed for sustainability? These questions topped the discussions in a series of ongoing virtual briefings on EdgeProp Malaysia’s Best Managed & Sustainable Property Awards (BMSPA) 2021.